Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kindergarten Pinch Pots and Texture Tiles

Kindergarten learned about the art element of TEXTURE this week.  We explored objects from nature with different kinds of textures and thought of interesting words to describe the way they feel.  Kindergarteners used those natural objects to create a unique texture in their clay tile.

Beautiful pinch pots!

7-8 experiment with printmaking

7-8 graders began block printing this week.  Thier images are based on observational drawings from nature.    

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5-6 1 point perspective is coming along

Figure drawing, Grade 7-8

7-8 graders find beauty and interest in unexpected places

Nature Observations Grades 7-8
Box of stuff that I collected on my way to school for kids to draw from

These students are creating a block print based on their observatioal drawing from nature.  They first brainstormed a list of at least 15 words that described their object from the box before sketching it. 

After sketching, they made a final draft of the image and then transferred thier image to an ez-cut block for carving.